Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Painful abs

This morning I took DD in for a checkup, so that threw off our normal schedule of exercising in the morning. After the appointment and various errands, it was nap time, so it wasn't till later in the afternoon that we were able to go for a bike ride.

The last time we went for a ride, I noticed that the trailer tires were getting quite squashy, and made a mental note to inflate the tires before our next ride. It was actually a contributing factor to my going on a run yesterday: I didn't want to put forth the effort to inflate the tires. Today I got out my bike pump (the one that attaches to my bike) and tried, without success, to figure out how to inflate the tires. In my defense, my dad couldn't figure it out either. I think it could be for just the one type of valves? I don't know. Luckily my dad just turned on his compressor and we had the tires quickly taken care of.

Once on the road, I could tell an immediate difference in how everything flowed. It's amazing what a difference it makes to have fully inflated tires! And there are signs that my muscles are getting stronger: I was able to go most of the way (the 5 mile loop) in the middle gears (as opposed to the easier gears I usually end up in) and managed to cycle the whole way- even up the hill that usually gets me when I have DD along.

Yesterday after my run I did some crunches on my balance ball, and this morning I could definitely tell that it's been a really long time since I last worked on my abs. Talk about pain! But the pain this morning wasn't as bad as the pain when I did more crunches this afternoon after my bike ride. No wonder I've been feeling so flabby around the middle- I haven't been doing anything to tone and exercise my abs. Hopefully I'll start seeing results soon- my middle is definitely my least favorite part of my body.

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