Friday, June 13, 2008

The joys of womanhood

Ok, so I know why I've been feeling blah the last few days: it's that time of the month. Compared to the past couple months, this has actually been a light case of the blahs. Maybe all the exercise has helped? Luckily I was able to get my walk (5 miles) done before the cramps hit, since once they came, not much else was going on. I firmly believe that cramps are an unnecessary part of life for women, especially when we have to suffer through them on a monthly basis. Cramps suck!

I jogged for a couple minutes while on my walk, but didn't want to push it. My left shin started twinging Sunday night, and I don't want to make it worse, so I'm taking it as easy as possible. Not too easy, though, since I really need to start getting my weekly mileage up so I'm ready for the marathon.

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