Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2018 Goals

I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions, but I do like to set goals, hence the name of this blog :)  Some of this year's goals will be more challenging than others (or challenging in different and new ways), but I do feel that they are achievable. Last year's goals were fewer in number, but they set the stage for several of this year's goals.

Yearly Mileage
In 2017, my goal was to complete 365 miles. I biked 20 miles and walked, ran, and hiked 500.3 miles, for a total of 520.3 miles.

In 2018, my goal is to bike 730 miles and walk, run, and hike another 730 miles, with a stretch goal of 1095 miles. I also plan to throw some kayak miles in for good measure. If I do 14 miles a week, I will hit 730 miles in a year, so the real challenge here is just making sure I'm more consistent with my workouts.

In 2017, my goal was to complete 52 hikes, which we did, completing the 52nd hike two days before the end of the year.

In 2018, my goal is also to complete 52 hikes, but to make them a little longer than a lot of the hikes we did in 2017. The average in 2017 was just under 2 miles per hike, so I'd like to get that average up to 2.25 miles or 2.5 miles per hike.

   *** want a 10% discount when registering for the 52 Hike Challenge? ***
*** use this link, which will also give me a 10% discount ***

In 2017 I finished my 40 by 40 50 by 40 goal by running my 50th race on my 40th birthday. I then ran one race a month for the remainder of the year. All told, I ran 13 races, including two half marathons.

In 2018, my goal is to run one race a month, except in September, when I will run 2 or 3 races. The current plan is to run the Great Smoky Mountains Half on the 8th and the Shenandoah Half on the 15th. I might also run the Great Smoky Mountains 5k on the 7th, though I'm still deciding on that one. These will be my only half marathons of the year and will be the shortest amount of time I've ever had between two half marathons.

In 2017, I built my businesses and learned a lot. I haven't run my numbers yet, but I think I actually made a small profit, which was promptly reinvested in the businesses.

In 2018, I will continue to build my businesses while also increasing my profits (hopefully by a lot). My Glowforge is <finally> due to arrive at the end of February, and I anticipate having a lot of fun messing around with it and producing items to sell on Etsy. I'm still deciding which businesses will receive the most attention, since I can't focus 100% on all of them (there's currently four, with a possible fifth in the works), all the time. I think I know the answer to this one though. I will also focus on working smarter, rather than harder, and wasting less time (so easy to do when you sit down in front of the computer).

*** can't handle the coolness of the Glowforge and need one of your own? ***
*** purchase through this link and we'll both save $100 ***

Cub Scouts
In 2017, I was finally able to register for Wood Badge after missing the previous two classes (offered every other year in our council) because first River, and then Ocean, were tiny babies the last two times the class was offered. Unfortunately, the class was canceled at the last minute and I wasn't able to find an alternative location to attend.

In 2018 I will finally go to Wood Badge. It'll be in a different council, but I'll do it. I've already nailed down which course in which of the neighboring councils will work with our schedule this spring, and just need to register for it.

Toward the end of 2017 my sister introduced me to Plexus, and I'm starting to see an improvement in the lingering health issues I've been dealing with.

In 2018, I will add in various products to help me get healthy, regulate my hormones, and finally start losing weight.

*** want to learn more about Plexus and how it can help you feel better and have more energy? ***
*** go to my website here, and then contact me for more info ***

In 2017 we finally managed to reinstate family scripture study. We've struggled for years to make this a habit, and while it's a nightly zoo with the little boys making noise and running around, they're the ones to remind us to do it, and it's actually happening.

In 2018 we'll continue family scripture study and add in FHE, which I'm sure will be another zoo, but we'll do it anyway.

what are some goals you've set for yourself?

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