Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Potty Training, Week 3 & 4

he wanted a picture with this flower he found and his pipe cleaner glasses

Potty training continues to go pretty well, though there are ups and downs. I find it interesting that Ocean can stay dry all day while we're out and about running errands, but the next day he has multiple accidents while we stay home. I'm thinking it's a matter of distraction (him and me).

He's going diaper-less at nap and night more and more, on his insistence, though other times he insists on wearing a pull-up. He has had some accidents, but we put the potty chair in his room so he can easily get to it as soon as he wakes up, and that has decreased the number of accidents at nap time and bed time. He frequently wakes up dry.

He's done well at church, lasting the whole three hours without accidents and using the potty as needed. He stays dry while we're out running errands (we make a couple potty stops), and he's done fine while we're hiking as well.

At home his accidents are more tiny leaks, where he realizes he's waited too long and he runs for the bathroom rather than just peeing in his clothes and soaking everything.

At this point I'd say he's 90% potty trained, which we are very happy with.

Overall, he's progressed a little slower than when River potty trained, but still much quicker and easier than I was afraid it would be. River was such an easy experience that we were afraid we were doomed to have Ocean still in diapers at 4 or 5 years old. Thankfully that is not the case :)

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