Monday, January 15, 2018

Weekly Mileage #45

There's a nice wide bike path along a new road that was recently built, which makes for some nice running, though we found all the passing cars annoyingly loud on the wet road. It was misting for most of our run, but towards the end the mist turned to actual rain and we were pretty wet by the time we got back to the car.

This week was warmer, but instead of taking advantage of the warmer weather, I still hibernated more  than I'd have preferred. I'm still feeling under the weather, though Friday I finally realized the sore throats I keep waking up with might be caused by sleeping with my mouth open. Since then I've been sleeping with the humidifier on high and the diffuser loaded up, and I'm finally feeling less crummy when I wake up.

I even managed to wake up Saturday morning and go for a run with C. We wanted a shake-out run after running hills Thursday evening. We missed a few weeks because of the holidays, but we've decided to run a 10 mile race at the end of March, so we need to be more consistent with our training. It's a hilly course, so we're focusing on distance and hill work.

Weekly Mileage
Mon- 10 miles on the bike
Thurs- 4.19 run with C
Sat- 3.30 run with C
    total miles: 17.49

0 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
19.75 foot miles towards #365milechallenge
15.00 bike miles towards #365milechallenge

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