Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Favorite Things Birthday Giveaway: Day 3

Today I'm giving away something I've talked about before here and here:

Three Larabars

I like all three of these flavors, and try to keep at least one or two in my purse at all times.

They're great for those times when I get the munchies, and they're not dry and crumbly like a lot of food bars.

To enter, leave a comment telling me what your favorite snack is.

If you missed the first two giveaways, you can enter Day 1 here and Day 2 here.

Each giveaway will be open for a week.

Enter them all, or just some of them- it's up to you :)


This giveaway will close at midnight on Tuesday, June 29.


  1. Chocolate chips!
    Too bad they would melt in a purse.

  2. Depends on the day, but lately I'm loving popping my own popcorn. mmmm.

  3. Popcorn (not microwave!) and graham crackers with peanut butter. Delicious! :)

  4. I hear you on the chocolate chips- my favorite are Guittard, and I can't find them here :(

    I like kettle corn, but I've never tried making it myself. I should try it...

  5. Recently I've been a big fan of kettle-cooked potato chips, usually in a cheese flavor. For something with more nutritional value I do like Lara bars; cherry pie is my favorite flavor, though pretty much all of the fruit flavors are awesome! They actually taste like fruit! How crazy is that? I love the short ingredient list and the portability; these fit in your pocket for when you have a spare moment at work...
