Monday, June 28, 2010

Progress on goals

You may (or may not) have noticed that I added a page titled 100 goals, 100 weeks.

Mostly it's a list of things to keep me busy, but it also represents a list of things that I would like to do or accomplish.

I've already started on some of them:
#2.  I walked once the week before last and three times last week. I also swam laps twice last week (during LMS' swim lessons) and once this week so far.
#3.  I did some running on all my walks
#11. Started building furniture for the craft/sewing/play room
#29. Started the red chair re-do
#47. I've been doing a fair amount of gluten free baking lately
#48. I have three different muffins in the freezer right now
#50. I registered for a 4 mile race in September
#51. Started reading the Book of Mormon again a week or so ago
#56. We've had FHE the last 4 weeks!
#87. I've started researching homeschooling methods- it'll take awhile to wade through all the info out there

1 comment:

  1. You always impress me with your goals and 'to-do' lists :)

    Also, Happy Birthday {I'm not sure the exact date, I know it was last week sometime}. I hope you were able to celebrate!
