Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Time management

So I had a good start with everything yesterday, but I didn't do quite so good today. I kind of did that on purpose, though: don't want to get burned out by doing too much all at once. We ran some errands this morning and I had thought about riding my bike while Little Miss Sunshine was napping, but couldn't bring myself to change, get sweaty, shower, and change again. A bit lazy, but that's the way it goes.

I really have to figure out how to get stuff done. If I exercise in the morning, by the time I'm done with everything it's almost lunch time. After lunch it's time for LMS's nap. Invariably on the days I want to run errands after her nap she takes her time going to sleep and doesn't wake up till almost dinner time, not leaving time to go into town. After dinner it's time to start getting ready for bed. LMS is a champion procrastinator and can make things take two or three times as long as they should, which doesn't help matters any. Plus I hate messing with her sleep schedule too much: she gets very cranky when she doesn't get enough sleep.

If I run errands in the morning, the motivation to exercise when we get back is almost nonexistent. The real answer is to get up earlier, but that would mean I have to get to bed earlier too. I need to work on that...

I did eat good though, which I'm happy about. I also worked on things for my callings: visiting teaching stuff and Primary music stuff. I'm planning out the schedule for the coming year for what songs to teach when. Realistically I won't be here for more than a couple more months, but my OCD is kicking in and I want to be organized and leave things organized for the next person.

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