Tuesday, September 3, 2013

36 Week Pregnancy Photos

Another four weeks have passed, and it's time for more pictures, which I had LMS take this morning.

For comparison, here's the side views we've done so far:

Last week I was feeling pretty uncomfortable, but this week I'm actually feeling better. I credit my chiro appt (though the pinched nerve is still giving me some problems) and the little guy dropping a bit. Though it doesn't look like it from the pictures. Hmmm. I swear there's less pressure on my ribcage, though, and more on my bladder. And I'm pretty sure he's lying in a different position than LMS did. She constantly kicked me in the ribs, and while he has in the past, it's been awhile now since I felt like my ribs were being abused. Not that I'm complaining...  :)

I'm off to see if I can take advantage of feeling half way decent and make more progress on my projects. I've finished one that I'll share this week and hope to make some good progress on another so I can start the next ones. Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

  1. I am equally impressed with how active you have been! You look great. We can't wait for your little man to be born and for the kids to get a new cousin.
