Wednesday, March 4, 2020

February Mileage

I'm all caught up on my bike mileage. But now I need to start upping the resistance when I ride. I've been doing minimal resistance, but it's not really improving my fitness. I may also try some mountain biking in March. A friend and I want to give it a go, but neither of us are confident mountain bikers (she's been a few times, I've never been), so if we can find a time that works for both of us, we'll see how it goes.

I've fallen a bit further behind on my foot mileage, but that's to be expected since my toe has been an issue. It is doing a lot better though, so hopefully I can get caught up in March.

I'm still on track with my hikes. By the end of February the last two years, I was already behind, so yay me! Part of my goal is to keep the average length of each hike at or above 2.25 miles, and my average is currently 2.32 miles, so I'm doing well there as well.

February mileage:
2 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 0 races + 3 trail runs + 0 outside walks + 3 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 59.08 miles
52 hike challenge: 9 hikes
365 mile challenge:  60.0 bike miles + 37.20 outdoor foot miles + 6.00 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 103.20 miles

January mileage:
1 treadmill workout + 5 hikes + 1 race + 3 trail runs + 2 outside walks + 2 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 44.12 miles
52 hike challenge: 5 hikes
365 mile challenge:  20.0 bike miles + 22.62 outdoor foot miles + 1.50 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 44.12 miles

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