Monday, March 23, 2020

Weekly Mileage #156 and the Pandemic

the world may be crazy, but spring is still on its way

Such a crazy week.

Since I have celiac and narcolepsy, which are autoimmune disorders, I've been staying close to home.  Thankfully they're not the autoimmune disorders I keep seeing as high risk, but I do know that my body tends to overreact to things, so better safe than sorry. Jeremy has been running errands for us and the kiddos aren't allowed to go with him. Ocean is such a germ magnet he'd be sure to pick up Covid19 while out and about. This is the child who goes around licking his hands, after all....

Monday I finally finished our taxes. Then I made a few changes I've been thinking about to cut down on my overall business expenses. I canceled a service no longer being used and switched from monthly to annual subscriptions on two other things, which saves a bit of money.

Tuesday I went for a trail run. The parking lot was crowded like it was a Saturday as everyone gets outside. Supposedly our internet was fixed in the am, though we never saw the guy come. We had wanted to talk to him about what the issue was, so we were a bit disappointed when we got a text saying he'd fixed the issue. Especially since it's not really fixed. It still drops out, but not as often.

busy park

Wednesday the Elders came and we finished moving the smaller wood pile. I didn't do as much walking this time since I stayed and shoveled decayed wood into the compost pile while everyone else walked up to the unloading spot.

we had a row of moldering firewood stacked between these trees- not much use for it when we have have a gas fireplace

I had Ocean's IEP amendment meeting over the phone. It took all of 5 minutes (so glad I didn't have to drive clear out to the school just for that!) and we switched his speech therapy sessions from 2x a week to 1x a week because he's doing so well.

River was being ornery, so I threatened him with a hug (he thinks he's too big for hugs), and he ran to the basement. Apparently, he expected me to follow him, because when I didn't, he stuck his head through the doggy door and asked if I was going to come get my hug. Funny kiddo!

Thursday was the first time I drove anywhere since last Friday. I dropped off the car for its annual inspection (due by the end of the month) at the small garage down the street and Jeremy drove me home- no shuttle this time.

Friday I had wanted to take the kids hiking, but it rained in the morning and the trails were wet, so we didn't. That and I was feeling crummy. Several days of insomnia will do that. I've seen others comment on this in my narcolepsy groups, and it seems to be the case for me as well- my monthly cycle affects how I sleep. My insomnia gets worse right before and during my period

Ocean in 'vehicle mode' as Hoist (see the Rescue Bot on the floor next to him). He then transforms into 'bot mode'. The tp is his front grill, just in case you missed that :)

Friday I finished a notebook and left it in our mailbox for our mailman to pick up. I punched the holes and sewed the pages for a number of notebooks as well as finally cut the acrylic templates for small and large notebook covers (I did the music one a while ago and use it all the time since 99% of my orders are music books), but I have two more cover templates to do still. One of my goals for this year is to build up my stock of notebooks on hand and to have them in a couple local stores, so this will help me get to that point.

looks like Ocean thought the gas can was missing something

Saturday I finally got a decent night's sleep, but that meant I got a late start because I slept late. In the afternoon, the elders came and helped move the big wood pile. So much faster when young, strong guys are helping! The four elders are all going home on Wednesday- it's close enough to the end of their missions that they're being released early. Their replacements will probably be American elders sent home from overseas missions.

there used to be a huge pile of branches and brush between the chicken run on the left and the compost bin on the right

Sunday I had ward council meeting via Zoom followed by church at home. We had planned on going to a cemetery and photographing headstones ( but I ended up with a migraine and was nonfunctional the rest of the day. I'm pretty sure it was from not hydrating properly after moving the wood, but I thought I'd drunk enough electrolytes and water, so I don't know. Frustrating though.

such a cutie!
Jeremy has had to get up at 7am every morning for stats/check in for his team. He's exhausted from staying up late answering messages with questions people have about billing and schedules that have been changed several times just in one week (currently they're at a very abbreviated schedule in the office with minimal people in at the same time, then home working through a reading list for training to justify being paid full time hours). Jeremy is not a morning person, so the early am wake up time has been killing him. But it's nice to have him home more. He went in Monday and Tuesday and has been home the rest of the week. And we're grateful that he's still being paid, though definitely no overtime hours right now.

And Ocean being Ocean:

Some thoughts about staying home. I'm a home body and don't mind not going anywhere for days at a time. But I gotta admit that being told we need to stay home does make me feel a bit claustrophobic. Add in moments of panic/anxiety about what could happen (the bad side of over-thinking everything), and it's definitely increased my stress levels. However, our property is large enough to spend time outside even if it gets to the point where we're not supposed to leave home at all, and I could even run laps around the yard if I needed to without getting dizzy. In the meantime, we have a trails park a couple miles away that I can still escape to, as long as it's not raining...

Weekly Mileage
Tuesday- 2.02 mile trail run
Wednesday- 0.80 miles walked outside
Saturday- 2.40 miles walked outside
total- 5.22 miles

2020 totals
11 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
0 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
51.80 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
6.00 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
80.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
137.80 miles total

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