Friday, May 5, 2017

April Mileage

If you look closely, you can see Sunshine dangling a sugar free lollipop from the dentist to bribe Ocean to keep up with her and River.

In April my friend and I weren't able to get our schedules to match up, so we didn't go for any outdoor runs, which we both missed. That will change in May, though. Overall, I was much healthier in April, and the number of workouts and miles I racked up attest to that. This was my highest mileage month in a long time, and is a direct result of starting my half marathon training. I'm seven weeks out from the half and feeling good so far (knock on wood), other than my plantar fasciitis acting up again, which I blame on the descent down the switchbacks last Saturday.

April's mileage:
15 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 0 outside runs + 1 race = 73.58 miles
52 hike challenge: 14 hikes
365 mile challenge: 175.83 miles
40 by 40 goal: 45 races

March's mileage:
3 treadmill workouts + 3 hikes + 2 outside runs + 1 race = 25.45 miles
52 hike challenge: 10 hikes
365 mile challenge: 102.25 miles
40 by 40 goal: 44 races
February's mileage:
12 treadmill workouts + 3 hikes + 3 outside runs + 0 races = 54.70 miles
52 hike challenge: 7 hikes
365 mile challenge: 76.80 miles
January's mileage:
4 treadmill workouts + 6 hikes + 1 outside run + 0 races = 22.10 miles total
52 hike challenge: 4 hikes
365 mile challenge: 22.10 miles

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