Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kindergarten Time Management

LMS recently went to a birthday party at a tae-kwon-do studio and had a blast on the "adventure" they went on.

Little Miss Sunshine frequently asks me to tell her stories from when I was a kid, and she'll pick an age. "Tell me about when you were 5."

Recently I shared with her how I once got in trouble for trying to switch spots during nap time in kindergarten. Apparently we were always supposed to be in the same spot- no musical mats.

Later I got to thinking more about that experience.

I went to half day kindergarten, so there wasn't a lot of time for extra stuff, but somehow we always had time for quiet time on mats. I wonder if that was our teacher's coping mechanism. She was older, and definitely old school. My older brother had her two years before me and she tried to change him from a lefty to a righty. Because that's what they did back in the day. Needless to say, my mom was not happy about that and put a stop to it.

In any case, it makes me wonder just how much we did/learned compared to kindergartners today. I didn't learn how to read in kindergarten, so I'm sure that saved some time, but what else is different? I wish I remembered more of what we did back then.

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