Monday, September 9, 2019

Weekly Mileage #128 and the Ropes Course

getting ready

Since Monday was Labor Day, Mr M had the day off. We decided to head over the mountain to the book fair to see if we could find any good deals. We bought a couple books for Sunshine to use for school, a couple books about the national parks, as well as a couple other miscellaneous books. We also stopped by Harbor Freight to buy ear muffs for everyone. The boys like to help daddy mow the lawn, but we don't want to ruin their hearing, so we've had to share the one pair of ear muffs we had. We bought another pair when we were using the bobcat, but we really needed more. Now we have enough for the whole family to wear proper ear protection at the same time.

that water is the reservoir below the waterfall we hiked to last summer a couple times
you can't see the waterfall from here, but it's down there somewhere

Bright and early Tuesday morning I took Sunshine to the dentist and she got two more teeth pulled. Hopefully, she won't need any more pulled. These were adult teeth and the healing process has been more painful for her, which isn't surprising, given the length of the roots. They're not meant to come out, after all. But there just wasn't room in her mouth for them and they were preventing her canines from being in their proper position.

Wednesday we were supposed to go to nature group, but instead, I quit the group for now. It was stressing me out too much and given the rough summer I've had health-wise, I don't need more stress. We can rejoin later when I'm feeling better, but for now, it's one less thing to worry about. I've been having sinus headaches for weeks and they are keeping me from getting the things done that I need to, which is also stressing me out. Times like these mean I have to prioritize what gets done and what doesn't. We'll do nature study on our own, so I'm not too worried about cutting out an activity.

Thursday we went over the mountain to the Scout Shop so we could get a merit badge sash for Sunshine. I completely forgot about it when we bought the rest of her uniform. On our way home, we stopped in Shenandoah NP for a short hike along the Appalachian Trail.

Saturday Sunshine and I went with her Scout troop on a ropes course. It was the first time for both of us, and we both had a fun time. Definitely something to do again. I'm not super fond of heights, but I didn't have any problems climbing around in the trees and zip lining. I think the difference was the harness I was securely strapped into. It had two clips and one is always locked, meaning there was no way I could fall, even when moving from one line to another. So apparently it's not so much the height that bothers me, as the falling.

Weekly Mileage
Thursday- 1.24 miles hiked
Saturday-  .75 miles walked
total-  1.99 miles

17 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
2.56 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
82.28 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
41.16 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
80.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
206.00 miles total

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