Monday, May 13, 2019

Weekly Mileage #111 and Fun in the Rain

I'm still working on getting up and moving and not overdoing things. Tuesday I didn't get up early enough to go trail running, plus I wanted something a little less strenuous, so I walked on the treadmill for half an hour.

After music lessons we headed to the park for the weekly meetup. We haven't attended regularly for some time, but I'm determined to get back in the habit. We were starting to be more regular in our attendance at the end of summer, but my broken foot and worsening narcolepsy symptoms moved it to the back burner.

It rained a bit while we were there, but not enough to get super wet. Ocean fixed that problem by standing under a drainpipe and making sure he got gloriously soaking wet. Thankfully I'd finally remembered to put towels and a change of clothes in the car before we left the house, so I was able to dry him off and change him before we went home.

Mr M had his followup sleep appointment after his sleep study. Turns out he needs a CPAP after all. He doesn't have sleep apnea yet, but he does have hypopnea, which is abnormally slow or shallow breathing (apnea is periods of no breathing). So now we're waiting on some insurance paperwork, then he'll go get fitted for one.

Wednesday Sunshine and I went to a friend's naturalization ceremony. Neither of us had been to one before and it was very interesting. Our friend has been working on the naturalization process for 19 years, but others had been working on it even longer. The judge talked for a bit, the applicants swore the oath of citizenship, then they were welcomed by staffers from various government officials. They were also given the opportunity to talk about their journey to citizenship and to thank anyone they wanted to. Only a few people took the judge up on this, but it was interesting to hear what they had to say. Definitely an experience to have if you've never been before. Every Fourth of July they have a naturalization ceremony at Monticello that we've thought of going to, but I usually run a 5k that morning if we're in town.

Thursday I did an easy 10 miles on my bike. I didn't get moving early enough for us to go hiking before we needed to be home.

We spent the afternoon at home, having the annual systems checks done on our house- electrical, hvac, and plumbing. We need to do some electrical work (which we knew) and we got a quote for getting the water pipes replaced. We've had three different leaks now, and we know we're going to have to replace the pipes before we sell the house. The question is whether we'll DIY it or pay someone else. The jury is still out on that one- it won't be cheap, but we may not have the time to do the work. They also tested our water to see if anything in the water was contributing to our pipe problems. The test found that our well water is more acidic than it should be, which is what's causing the joints to fail. So we'll need to install an acid neutralizer system before we do the re-piping. yay.

Thursday afternoon I also got a call from the RV repair place and it's every bit as bad as we thought it would be. They did suggest contacting the factory to see if they can do the job any cheaper, so now we're waiting to hear back from them.

That evening I met with the bishop for the interview portion of the "On my Honor" religious award for adult Scout leaders. That's done and now I just need to turn in the form for my Scouter's Training award. Once that's done, all 5 of my Wood Badge ticket items will be done! I was aiming to have them all done by April, so I'm only a smidge behind schedule. Given all the stuff on my to-do list, I'm pretty happy.

Saturday morning I ran 3.35 miles on the treadmill. I ran two of the miles, alternating walking and running. It's good to get my mileage back up (I've been hanging out at 2 miles for awhile), and now I need to increase my endurance so I can run longer distances without stopping. I have a 5k coming up the first Saturday in June, so it's time to buckle down.

Saturday afternoon Sunshine and River had their recital/session. It's not a traditional recital- the kids sit in a circle and play the different songs they've learned, which is more like an Irish session. If you know the song, you play along. If you don't know the song, you just sit there. Sunshine did a great job on the piano, playing melody for one song and rhythm (chords) for another while other students played fiddle and sang. River did great on the banjo and was so cute when he messed up on one song and had to start over. Mr M had drill this past weekend, so Ocean had to come with us, which is not what I would have preferred. After some initial fussiness and noise, he settled down and fell asleep on my lap partway through.

Weekly Mileage
Tuesday- 1.37 mile treadmill walk
Thursday- 10.00 mile bike ride
Saturday- 3.35 mile treadmill run
total- 14.72 miles

11 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
0 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
51.26 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
15.87 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
80.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
147.13 miles total

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