Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today we re-did the cousin photo (Hubby's parents brought back shirts from Hawaii for all the grandkids and wanted a group photo), which turned out a lot better than the first time (no lost kids for one thing). We went to a different studio, and they did a much better job working with the kids and were better equipped to handle a large group.

On the left: the first attempt, after the lost child was found. No one was in a good mood at that point.

On the right: the second, much more successful attempt.

We also did family groupings of the kids. Since Little Miss Sunshine still doesn't have any siblings, we did a picture of just her. I thought it turned out pretty cute.
Then the kids colored eggs while I went and got my orthotics (finally!). When I returned, we hid eggs and the kids got to find them, which they had fun doing. The whole thing was chaotic, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Not sure if that's because the kids are doing better, or I'm getting more tolerant. I'll post picts from that later, gotta get them off of Hubby's camera first.

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