Monday, December 6, 2021

Weekly Mileage #245 and Dog Sitting

Monday I went for a trail run with Max. My energy levels are still low and I was more tired than I'd like afterwards.

River saw Ocean's bag and wanted one as well, but i didn't have all the hardware to do the same one, so I used one of the other patterns I'd bought. He picked out the leather and I made it for him. I stayed up late to finish stitching it since I wanted to take photos after music lessons on Tuesday.

Tuesday we did the boys' music lessons and then took some bag photos with the boys while Sunshine was doing her lesson.

I rested after we got home since I stayed up too late and I was tired. Sunshine had an orthodontist appointment in the afternoon. 

When we returned, we hauled tool kits and boxes of various sized plastic bags out to the shipping container. Then I cleaned up my bag making mess a bit so that the background didn't look terrible during my YW presidency meeting after karate.

In karate this week it was pushup week, which was killer. We did 5 or 6 different varieties of pushups (who knew there were that many?). I managed two clapping pushups (one of the harder ones), but fell flat on my face after both of them (on the padded floor, thankfully). I do not have great upper body strength.

Jeremy's brother arrived while we were at karate.

Wednesday we were up super early to take Jeremy, his brother, and Sunshine to the airport so they could go to Disney World and Universal Studios for a week. It's been a few years since they've done this trip and they were super excited that they could finally do it again. River wanted to go, but he's too timid about riding bigger rides and would have wussed out, leaving one of the adults waiting with him instead of riding. Not optimal.

We went back to bed after the airport run and the boys slept for a couple hours, but I didn't manage it.

I thought about going for a run or hike, but I was just too tired from too little sleep. The thought of trying to keep two dogs under control just wasn't appealing.

We did manage to run a couple errands, then went back home to work on stuff there.

Max isn't super happy about Buddy being here again (he came with Jeremy's brother for River's baptism so the dogs could get to know each other). He keeps wanting to play with her during her quiet time and she is not amused. Poor girl. It's going to be a long week for all of us.

Thursday I woke up to Buddy whining while it was still dark. Apparently he usually gets up a lot earlier than I do.

Despite the early wake-up call, I took the dogs and boys for a run/walk in the woods. I had to lift Buddy into his crate in the back of the CRV (he didn't want to jump up and in), but other than that it went pretty well. Initially the dogs were pulling in different directions or wanting to run faster than I was comfortable with, but they settled down and we had a good run/hike. The boys did well also, and River figured out that waiting behind me, then running to catch up is better than running ahead of me, which makes the dogs want to chase after him. Ocean isn't much of a runner, but he did a good job of keeping up with me and running with his brother.

After our run, I made some cupcakes for our YW/YM activity that night. The youth did a cupcake wars activity, where they decorated cupcakes to fit into different categories. It was a fun, social activity, which there have been too few of in the last year and a half.

Friday I didn't sleep great, so while I woke up to take Buddy out to poop and pee, I went back to bed and curled up on the bio mat to offset the cramps I was having, which resulted in a slow start to the day. Needless to say, we skipped park day.

In the afternoon I dropped off health forms for a Scout campout that night, practiced Universal 10 with the boys, and went to karate class.

Saturday I took the boys and dogs for a trail run, but about half a mile in I stepped wrong and landed hard on the outside edge of my left foot. Super painful. I tried to walk it off, but only lasted a few steps before deciding we were done and we headed back to the car. Thankfully we'd just started our second loop and weren't far from the trail head.

I iced my foot, elevated, etc. the swollen spot on the side of my foot. I'm pretty sure it's not broken. When I broke my right foot, it hurt a lot worse and I couldn't walk on it at all (no weight bearing activities) after the initial limping back to the car. This time around it's probably soft tissue damage; I'm just not sure how bad. I'm still deciding whether to go to the doc or not. I always second guess the necessity of going to the ER.

My sleep quality has definitely been decreasing (doggy noises in the night keep waking me up) and my mornings have been rough. I was really glad we had Stake Conference and that it was broadcast via zoom. Even though the boys have a harder time sitting still and paying attention watching conference at home, in this case it was worth it to be able to stay in bed till 10 minutes before conference started.

I iced my foot during conference. It's feeling better, though still swollen, stiff, and sore. I'm sure it'll take a while to heal completely, especially with karate jumps thrown in the mix. We have our first tournament this coming Saturday...

After the boys were in bed I was trying to figure out why all my emails from May 13- Oct 27 of this year weren't able to be viewed. I kept getting an error message and they wouldn't load. It was so frustrating since I needed some receipts from that time period to submit for reimbursement, and I knew they were there since I'd seen them when I cleared out all my inboxes. 

I got caught up trying to figure out what was going on and lost track of time. I'd left a pot of broth boiling down on the stove and didn't remember about it until the dogs came downstairs. I thought they wanted to go to bed, so I looked at the clock and realized I needed to put things away for the night. I went upstairs and immediately realized why the dogs had come downstairs. My pot of broth had boiled down and was billowing smoke. Oops. I opened the doors that could safely be opened without the dogs escaping, turned on fans, opened windows, etc. Lots of fun. 

Weekly Mileage 

Monday-        1.68 miles               .5 hours
Thursday-      1.50 miles               .5 hours
Saturday-         .60 miles               .5 hours
       total- 3.24 miles                             1.5 hours

2021 totals
278.5 outside hours
247.43 miles

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