Monday, September 27, 2021

Weekly Mileage #235 and the Storage Container

note River's ears- sliding the container off was a noisy process

Monday was the first day of the fall session of Leatherwork 101. Sunshine doesn't have seminary this week since her teachers and their family have covid. They meet via zoom, so at least none of the students were exposed.

Tuesday we did music lessons online because the shipping container was supposed to be delivered that morning. So naturally it wasn't delivered till 2pm. After it was delivered I realized that I got a different one when we lived in Colorado. That one had a much easier-to-open door (it could be done one handed) than this one, which just has the standard container locks (stiff and hard to maneuver and takes both hands). It'll be a pain, but it's not worth paying to switch it for another container. At least we're just renting it and didn't buy it like that, that would have been disappointing. I had planned on starting to load it up, but I may pressure wash it first- it's a little grungy inside. At some point in its life, oily substances have been spilled in the back, and while they're soaked in, it's still off-putting.

the current setup, though it will change when we have time to move the Subaru shelter

That evening we went to karate class and I worked on a cross body bag prototype.

Wednesday was a rainy day, so I stayed inside and worked on the 3rd version of my cross body bag. I've just about got the design dialed in.

Thursday I worked on email and lesson updates for my course. I switched out one of the projects so it used rivets instead of snaps (so it would be less frustrating to complete), and I needed to record the videos to go with it. I also copied and pasted my email sequence so the course emails were all in one sequence (they weren't before).

Friday I woke up feeling crummy, so we skipped park day, though we did make it to karate class.

Max knows what getting in the car means, and she was super excited to go for a run finally

Saturday I was feeling a bit better. My sleep is still a bit off, but I had more energy, so I took Max for a trail run for the first time in a long time.

Jeremy took a load of trash to the dump, including River's old carseat. He and Ocean have both outgrown it, it had been sitting in the shed for awhile and got mildewed, and it had expired. The end of an era, since we also gave River's old carseat (it was in better condition) to a work colleague of Jeremys. The boys just use booster seats these days.

In the afternoon, Sunshine and I went to help with an Eagle service project that one of the girls in her troop is leading.

building a foot bridge to go over this little ditch to make the space more accessible for a future playground

Sunday everyone else was sniffing and coughing, so I went to church alone. I didn't sleep well Saturday night (I woke up to nasty esophageal reflux about 5am), so if I hadn't had ward council and YW, I would have stayed home as well. I was super tired. And after church I had a YW presidency meeting.

Everyone went to bed early, though I still didn't sleep well since I was worried about another bout of esophageal reflux and I was uncomfortable because I was sleeping propped up.

This week was a struggle. I finally cut my carbs on Wednesday, which I've really needed to do for months. But I also inadvertently did some intermittent fasting (stayed in bed late and didn't eat till lunch time), which did not help my energy levels. I know a lot of people have success losing weight with intermittent fasting, but I haven't been able to make it work for me yet. It always results in super low energy levels, which are not what I need.

Weekly Mileage 

Thursday-          .50 miles                                1.0 hours outside
Saturday-         1.62 miles                                4.5 hours outside
       total- 2.12 miles                             5.5 hours

2021 totals
226.5 outside hours
212.45 miles

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