Wednesday, July 7, 2021

2nd Quarter Goals Update


I've been running since the beginning of April and my hip is feeling a lot better, though it occasionally still gives me pains. Nothing as bad as it used to be, and not bad enough to keep me from running.

Hours outside

I'm doing ok. I spent a lot of time in front of the computer and the worktable again during the second quarter of the month, but warmer weather brought more outdoor activities. It also brought more heat and humidity, which drain my energy and make me want to stay inside.

Business progress

My course started right at the beginning of the quarter and while the weekly video production of lessons was a lot more all-consuming than I'd anticipated, it went well. I also advertised at two small homeschool conferences and registered to exhibit as a vendor at a much larger homeschool conference in August. To prepare for the conference, I started my first huge batch of buckets and pockets (I'd only made very small batches previously).

Health progress

I'm doing ok. The meds are still working, though I did seriously think about talking to my doc about getting off them. While they help with some things, they also amplify any anxiety issues I have, which leaves me obsessing about whatever triggered my anxiety for at least two days straight. Very disruptive and unpleasant.

I'm still eating too many carbs and sugars, but I'm in a pretty good groove with my sleep, which is definitely worth noting.

I've gotten both of my covid shots, as have Jeremy and Sunshine. Now we're waiting for when the boys can get theirs...

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