Friday, August 4, 2017

July Mileage

sausages over the fire pit a few days after we got home from our trip

July’s mileage is super low, which wasn’t completely unexpected, though I didn’t think it would be quite this low. Exercising while on vacation and traveling turned out to be more difficult than I'd anticipated. When we got home, decluttering and painting beds sucked up too much time and energy, but I needed to get them done, so I’m not too upset.

The good side of so much rest is that my feet are feeling a lot better, though if I stand for too long on hard floors they do get a bit aggravated.

I just looked at last July's mileage, and it was 13.72 miles, lower than either June or August's mileage (which were both in the 20's). So apparently July is just not meant to be a high mileage month for me :)

I’m working on balancing my schedule better (and not going all-in on one thing for too long) so my mileage will go back up in August as I get back on my training schedule. I do have a 4 mile race scheduled for the last Saturday in August and my half marathon that I'm walking/running the following Saturday, so those are added incentive to start putting in the miles again.

July's mileage: 
3 treadmill workouts + 1 hike + 0 outside runs + 1 race = 13.65 miles
52 hike challenge: 28 hikes
365 mile challenge: 365.1 miles

June's mileage:
0 treadmill workouts + 10 hikes + 3 outside runs + 3 races (12half) + 2 walks = 81.25 miles
52 hike challenge: 27 hikes
365 mile challenge: 351.45 miles
40 by 40 goal: 50 races

May's mileage:
11 treadmill workouts + 3 hikes + 1 outside run + 2 races (12) + 1 field trip = 94.37 miles
52 hike challenge: 17 hikes
365 mile challenge: 270.2 miles
40 by 40 goal: 47 races

April's mileage:
15 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 0 outside runs + 1 race = 73.58 miles
52 hike challenge: 14 hikes
365 mile challenge: 175.83 miles
40 by 40 goal: 45 races

March's mileage:
3 treadmill workouts + 3 hikes + 2 outside runs + 1 race = 25.45 miles
52 hike challenge: 10 hikes
365 mile challenge: 102.25 miles
40 by 40 goal: 44 races
February's mileage:
12 treadmill workouts + 3 hikes + 3 outside runs + 0 races = 54.70 miles
52 hike challenge: 7 hikes
365 mile challenge: 76.80 miles
January's mileage:
4 treadmill workouts + 6 hikes + 1 outside run + 0 races = 22.10 miles total
52 hike challenge: 4 hikes
365 mile challenge: 22.10 miles

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