Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's Really For Dinner?

Back in October, I posted this menu board.

It didn't take long to realize it wasn't going to work out.

See? It's just not big enough.

But what to do?

Somewhere (can't remember where) I read about using a photo collage frame as a menu board. That sounded like a great idea, so I started looking for photo collage frames. The one I found at wally world was significantly cheaper, but it also looked very cheap. The one at tar-jay was more expensive, but looked a lot nicer. I went with the one from tar-jay.

Friday is the first day because I pick up our groceries on Thursday, and it's easier for me to keep track of the grocery list and menu if they both line up.

Instead of cutting vinyl and trying to stick it to the backside of the glass (like I did with the first menu board), I stuck the vinyl to pieces of card stock cut to size. Much easier.

A screw at the top of the frame and some command strips at the bottom of the frame keep it all in place.

Plenty of room for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus space for a snack, should I feel so inclined to actually plan some out. 

Who am I kidding? That's not going to happen anytime soon- the reason there's only one day shown is because I haven't managed to plan the rest of the week. I mentioned yesterday that my food has been off lately, and some of the unfortunate side effects are that nothing sounds good except for things I can't eat, I have a hard time dealing with things, and anything that requires too much thought probably won't happen.

Needless to say, the menu is still waiting for me to plan it. It's a work in progress :)

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