Monday, February 8, 2021

Weekly Mileage #202 and Gluten Free Oreos

Monday we got a little more snow and a little rain, and the temps were above freezing, so the snow started to melt. Jeremy had to go to work, but the kids and I strapped on our snowshoes and trekked to the mailbox and back. The snow wasn't great for snowshoeing, but we had fun. Max loved the snow.

After snowshoeing, I worked on the journals I'll be listing on my site.

Tuesday was the usual music lessons, speech therapy, and grocery shopping. When I returned, I worked on the journals some more.

Wednesday another chunk of money from the VA showed up in our bank account, which we're guessing is for Jeremy's back. He's been evaluated for his ears and toe, but we're pretty sure they're too recent to be factored in. We're not sure what his current rating is yet, since we haven't gotten the letter from the VA yet.

I went for a slushy trail run with Max and River. Parts of the trail were frozen, while other parts were muddy, depending on how much sun the trail had seen.

After my accountability call, I finished the journals and started gathering small items to list, but I need to make a few more for picture purposes.

I need to finish off the listings and my website by Saturday night so that next week I can get back to my sales page and email sequences. I decided to push back the launch of my course by at least 2 weeks, possibly up to 4 weeks. There's too much still to get done, and I'm still waiting on the replacement cases for my toolkits (I'm really hoping they make it out of China before they shut down for the Lunar New Year).

Wednesday night, Sunshine and I went to youth scuba club. It's starting to pick up steam, but I suspect things won't truly get going till the weather warms up.

Thursday I went for another slushy trail run with Max and River. It was a little better than on Wednesday, but still messy. Everything's freezing over night, then gradually melting during the day.

That afternoon we had a socially distant birthday party with friends.

Ocean loved the piñata- he giggled hysterically while swinging, just like he did with his Halloween piñata.

Later I paid the bills and used the VA money to pay off a chunk of debt, which felt so good. We still have a ways to go, but we're finally making significant progress.

Then I worked on smaller items to list on my site.

Friday I went for a super muddy run. I really shouldn't have been on the trails, but didn't realize they were that bad when I started.

I worked on more small items for my site. Things are going so much quicker with the hand press I bought for installing snaps, rivets, etc. It was totally worth the money for it and the dies. It installs hardware right the first time, in a fraction of the time it took to do it by hand. I'm saving money on hardware and time.

That night Sunshine had a virtual campout with her troop. The ground was still wet and muddy, so she set her tent up on the back deck. She was cold, but otherwise had a decent time.

Saturday morning I ran with my friend C on the paved path. Then I finished last of the valet trays, adjusting the patterns along the way as I tweaked the designs a bit. 

Then I started photographing everything for the listings.

While I was working, Jeremy went to go pick up my new laptop. I've needed one for awhile since it just can't keep up with me. It's been bogging down and taking way too long to do things because I have too many windows open at a time (a necessary thing with all I'm working on).

We bought my old laptop sometime in 2014/2015, and it's actually still a good computer, it just doesn't have enough ram. After I remove all my stuff and update it from 32 bit to 64 bit (something I've been putting off because I was worried about messing something up) it'll get passed down to Sunshine to use for school. Minecrap doesn't work on Macs <insert evil laugh while rubbing my hands together> so there will be fewer distractions for her. 

My old MacBook Pro is a 13", 8gb ram, my new one is 16", 16gb ram, both have solid state drives. The bigger screen will be useful since I nearly always have at least two windows open at the same time, so it will be easier to share the screen. I love the speakers on either side of the keyboard. Sound quality is much better and louder.

I was able to migrate all my info from my old laptop to the new one, but it took awhile to get done over the weekend. Setting up everything took longer than I'd hoped, but at this point, I think it's all good.

We got a little more snow on Sunday, but it was very wet, so while it covered the ground, it mostly melted by the end of the day.

I've been dealing with a hip flexor issue that started when I was wearing the chewed on orthotic, and unfortunately hasn't resolved with the new orthotics like I'd hoped. Rest and ice seems to be the best option, which isn't great for Max. I need to see if just walking instead of running, and trying to stay on flat areas (difficult with all the hills around here) will help it heal faster.

Gluten free Oreos. I was excited when I heard they were hitting the market, but then I was hesitant to try them once I realized they use oat flour, just like Cheerios (they're made by the same company) and their testing practices for gluten are very suspect (there are many instances of people getting glutened after eating Cheerios, and I don't eat them for that reason). However, since Oreos are one of the few things I still miss from my pre-gluten free days, and I haven't found a good substitute for them, I decided to give them a try. Not the smartest decision, since it's basically playing Russian roulette with my health, but it turned out fine in this instance.

The cookie tastes like what I remember an Oreo tasting like, but the creme doesn't. Jeremy tried one and agreed that the creme doesn't taste the same either. I'm not sure why they changed it. 

I also bought a package of Glutino gluten free chocolate sandwich cookies for comparison. They taste nothing like an Oreo. The cookie is all wrong, and so is the creme. 

I haven't had a real Oreo in about 12 years. Despite the creme not being quite right (this is also why I don't like other brands of chocolate sandwich cookies), I do like the cookie portion. However, I don't know that we'll buy them on a regular basis. Aside from the sugar/carb issue, they did give me a stomach ache. Not a "oh no, I got glutened" stomach ache (this time, anyway), more an "holy cow, I just ate a lot of refined sugar and crap" stomach ache. When combined with the potential for getting glutened due to shoddy handling and testing of oats, I don't know that I'll buy them again. It was a nice glimpse of the past, but I think it'll stay there.

Weekly Mileage
Monday- .25 miles snowshoed         .5 hours outside
Wednesday- 1.95 miles run and hiked   .5 hours outside
Thursday- 2.04 miles run and hiked     2.5 hours outside
Friday- 2.45 miles run and hiked        .5 hours outside
Saturday- 2.41 mild run and walked    1.0 hours outside
       total- 9.10 miles              5.0 hours

2021 totals
29 outside hours
58.1 miles

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