Thursday, April 2, 2020

March Mileage

Despite the crazy mess the world has become this past month, my mileage is still coming along decently.

My bike miles are still on track (30 miles per month), as are my hikes. However, my foot mileage is falling further behind. I'm not super worried about it yet, but I do need to be more diligent about getting my foot mileage in. My lower energy levels make it too easy to skip daily workouts. Committing to a weekly trail run and hike and a weekly bike ride has worked well so far, but that just covers two days a week. With all the changes to our schedule, I have time for at least one more trail run a week. Realistically, I could do more, but I'll start with adding one more per week and go from there.

My average hike length held steady at 2.32, which is still above my goal of 2.25 miles, so I'm happy.

March mileage:
1 treadmill workout + 4 hikes + 0 races + trail runs + 4 outside walks + 3 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 53.38 miles
52 hike challenge: 13 hikes
365 mile challenge:  90.0 bike miles + 58.58 outdoor foot miles + 8.00 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 156.58 miles

February mileage:
2 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 0 races + trail runs + 0 outside walks + 3 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 59.08 miles
52 hike challenge: 9 hikes
365 mile challenge:  60.0 bike miles + 37.20 outdoor foot miles + 6.00 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 103.20 miles

January mileage:
1 treadmill workout + 5 hikes + 1 race + 3 trail runs + 2 outside walks + 2 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 44.12 miles
52 hike challenge: 5 hikes
365 mile challenge:  20.0 bike miles + 22.62 outdoor foot miles + 1.50 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 44.12 miles

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