Monday, April 27, 2020

Weekly Mileage #161 and the Staycation Virtual 5k

Monday we started making masks for Sunshine's service project. I unsuccessfully looked online (and Jeremy looked in person) for a bias tape maker for ties. Though the fabric we used was meltable, so the bias tape maker wouldn't have worked anyway, since you need an iron. So while it was an extra pain, I made 96 yards of bias tape by hand, without an iron.

Sunshine didn't do any merit badge classes this week since she's still working on finishing the ones she's started. She had a troop meeting online in the evening.

On Tuesday after our music lessons, Sunshine and I laid out and cut most of the pieces for the nesting box. It took a while to lay everything out to the best use of the wood, but we won't have to buy any materials, so it's worth the bit of extra time spent on it.

Wednesday River and I ran a virtual 5k race. I ended up with a migraine afterwards, which was probably allergy related, but I'm not certain. It's frustrating, since it was still hanging around on Thursday.

The trails were still muddy from all the rain we've gotten lately, so we stopped and took pictures of us jumping across the streams. 'Cause why not?

Thursday we had the compressor on our heating/ac unit drained and the filter replaced. Thankfully it was covered by our warranty, so no money out of pocket. When the outdoor unit would kick on it would make an awful racket, like something was caught in the fan blades. We'd mentioned it during the winter maintenance visit, but the tech couldn't figure it out. A different tech came on Wednesday for the spring maintenance check, and after multiple phone calls was able to figure out what was going on.

Thursday evening my leather sewing machine arrived! I know the new sewing machine I bought to sew masks won't be able to handle leather: my old, much more robust machine barely could. If I want to speed up production to increase my items for sale, sewing by hand is not an option; I need a leather sewing machine. it's not a top of the line machine, and it won't do everything that one of the more expensive machines would, but it'll be a good starter machine and it was within my budget. It also has the benefit of not weighing a ton or taking up a lot of space, like the more expensive ones reportedly do. Hopefully it does what I need it to.

Friday we worked on masks some more, then attended a virtual campout held by our local ScoutsBSA council. Sunshine did her cooking requirements for her first class rank and set up a tent in the basement.

Sausages, smoked mac & cheese, and s'mores.

We thought it might rain overnight, but it didn't, though it did rain a bit Friday afternoon. Thankfully, I remembered to cover the fire pit and put firewood in the shed so we had dry wood and a dry fire pit for cooking. During the campfire program I put together my leather sewing machine. I may or may not have put the table on backwards and had to take it back off to put on properly. I still need to finish tightening a few screws and bolts and do some fine tuning.

Oatmeal, sausages, and eggs.

Sandwiches, chips, carrots & hummus, dutch oven pineapple upside down cake.

Saturday morning Sunshine finished her cooking requirements and after the virtual campout ended we worked some more on masks (the never ending project).

Sunday Sunshine and I participated in a drive by birthday parade for a girl in her YW class, then we worked some more on the masks.

Weekly Mileage
Wednesday- 3.10 miles run
Wednesday- 0.25 mile cool down
Friday- 10.00 miles biked
total- 13.35 miles

2020 totals
15 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
0 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
73.02 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
8.00 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
110.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
191.02 miles total

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