Monday, September 25, 2017

Weekly Mileage

even though it's still hot, the leaves are starting to fall

I can't wait for cooler weather to stay- we've had some cooler days (like when I ran the Shenandoah half), but then it swings back to hot and humid again. Ick. I was outside Monday afternoon, working on Arrow of Light awards, and I got eaten alive by the mosquitos. I must have killed at least 20 or 30 of the little buggers, and my legs were still polka-dotted with welts. I know a lot of people out west are getting snow already, but we're nowhere close to cold enough for that  :(

boys and their sticks...
I happened to catch this picture just as River turned and made this face. He promptly turned around again and continued on his way

This week I brought in my bike and set it up on the indoor trainer. It's been about 5 years since I used it last- sometime before I got pregnant with River. I'm looking forward to doing some cross training and hoping the cycling motion will be helpful for my creaky feet and calves.

While I got my bike set up (after cleaning it first, since there was a lot of road dust on my bike still from our road trip), I haven't used it yet. I have to track mileage (yep, it's a fact of my life), and it turns out I can't do that yet. Last time I had the bike up on the trainer I couldn't track my mileage, but I'd forgotten that was the case.

Ocean was trying to pull the tricycle up the hill, but was having a tough time doing it.
River went down and pushed him all the way up the hill.

I have an odometer with a sensor that is attached to the front tire, which is stationary when on the trainer. The wire is too short to move the sensor to the rear tire, so I've had to order a new odometer that has a longer wire (wireless won't work as the sensor has to be close to the computer, which won't work if the sensor is on the rear axle and the computer is on the handlebar). Next week I'll be able to spend some time on my bike. In the meantime, my walking and running mileage is continuing to increase again.

such a sweet big brother! <sometimes>

Monday I managed to run a creaky mile on the treadmill walk. My plantar fasciitis is still a problem, though it is improving a little. Building my mileage back up is proving more difficult than I'd anticipated. Walking is easier on my body, but I really need to be running more, even if it's not feeling great right now. Saturday I went for a run that still felt sore and creaky, but got a bit better as it progressed. Out of 3.46 miles I ran 1.75 total (.25 mile in the first mile, .5 mile in the second mile, and all of the third mile). It felt really good to be running outside again, even if it wasn't quite as smooth as I'd have liked.

such a peaceful location for a run

While hiking Thursday we found this vine with berries that were turning purple, and I thought it was morning glory because of the thorns on the vine. After looking it up when we got home, though, it's actually a fast growing invasive vine called mile a minute, and it's part of the buckwheat family. Learn new things every day.

mile a minute vine growing over the other foliage

Weekly Mileage
Mon: 3.50 miles on the treadmill
Thurs: 1.73 miles hiked
Fri: 1.63 miles on the treadmill
Sat: 3.46 miles outside
     total miles: 10.32

hike #37 towards #52hikechallenge
436.67 miles towards #365milechallenge

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