Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chicken Coop Progress, Week 4

what the coop looked like after week 3

Last week I only got on the treadmill once, but I also had two work days and ran 2 5ks. We didn't do a hike because my dad was in town for a short visit.

I didn't think I'd be able to do any building since the previous week I used up my DIY budget for the month and had to wait for our next paycheck. Then our neighbors who are moving texted me and offered some wood and cinder blocks they had sitting around- score!

I thought about using the 2x4s for rafters, but I'm going to use them for the treehouse addition I'll start when the chicken coop is finished. I'm not sure what I'll do with the chippy tongue and groove beadboard boards, but I know I'll come up with something. I also got a bunch of cinder blocks that I'll use on the treehouse and coop, and some fencing supplies that I'll use on our garden (yes, we actually planted a garden this year!). There's also some 3x3 posts of various {short} sizes that I haven't quite decided what to do with, though I'm thinking they'll end up as part of the treehouse addition.

All in all, I ended up with more than a full trailer load of building materials and all it was cost was the time and sweat it took to load and unload it all. As I unloaded it and found spots to stack it all it occurred to me that I've turned into my dad- he totally collects things too. I don't want to have lots of stuff sitting around cluttering up the yard though, so my goal is to use it all up by the end of the year.

we had to trim a few inches off the bottom since I originally planned on taller walls- good thing I bought a solid wood door that could be trimmed

Dad was out our direction on a business trip and he stopped to see us one evening. He helped me hang the door on the chicken coop and I'm so glad he did- it would have taken a lot longer and been a lot more frustrating if I'd been trying to do it on my own.

He also helped remove the landscape timbers from the walkway so I could finish demoing it. I still need to do a post on what we've been doing with our driveway and walkway.

I didn't get a lot done on the coop, but some progress is better than none :)

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