Thursday, May 24, 2012


I recently had a discussion with a friend regarding the pros and cons of Pinterest. After the discussion, she did some research and found Clipix (thanks Kristy!), which is similar to Pinterest, but has privacy settings, so you don't have to share your "clips". Since that was a big downside to Pinterest in my eyes, I gave it a try. I'm slightly paranoid in not wanting anyone to have more info about me than they need, and feel that what I choose to bookmark is my business. If you want to share with others, though, you can change your privacy settings from "only me" to "only Clipix friends" or "everyone". Even better, you can do it for each clipboard, so some can be private, some can be shared with friends, and some can be shared with everyone.

I spent a few days transferring all my zillions of bookmarks into Clipix, and for the most part, I love it! I love being able to keep things organized with a visual reminder of what I want to do/buy/make. I'm a visual person, which is why Pinterest appealed to me in the first place: being able to see a thumbnail of something is a great reminder/helps me find things quicker.

It's easy to add new items to your clipboards- you just add a "Clip" button to your toolbar that you click when you want to clip something. You pick a picture, type a title, and choose which clipboard you want it in (or make a new clipboard). Easy peasy!

After playing around with it, I've come up with some tips.

-- when naming your clipboards, be more specific rather than less specific. If you decide to move half the contents of one clipboard to another one, it can be a bit tricky since the view where you can move things between clipboards only shows the first 9 clips. If you have more than that you have to spend extra time moving them to the top so you can access them. This was my biggest gripe- I would like a scroll bar on each clipboard on the homepage, so I can see what's in each one without actually having to open that clipboard in a new window.

-- you can have an unlimited number of clips and clipboards, and you can organize the clipboards into multiboards. I started out with a couple multiboards, but ended up separating them into individual clipboards because I find it's easier to access the clips that way. Just be precise in your titles, and you'll still be able to find everything.

-- I have about 60 clipboards and close to 1000 clips (embarrassing, I know! and I got rid of a lot when I was moving bookmarks), in a variety of topics ranging from various homeschool subjects to recipes to races I want to run to things I want to make and build. I'm not sure if it's the site in general or if it's because I have so many clipboards, but it does take a minute for all my clipboards to load on the homepage. Or it could be my slow internet.... Just something to be aware of.

So far, I'm really liking Clipix and I find it very easy to use as I go through posts on my Google Reader.

Have you tried Clipix?


  1. Yay! Your 1000 bookmarks makes my 600 seem way more reasonable. :)

  2. Hey awesome post! I also have a Clipix account and I have to admit, it is pretty awesome. Did you know that they have an import feature that lets you transfer all your "pins" quick and easy? Best part is being able to save everything and not just pictures like you do on Pinterest. Really enjoyed the read, thanks.
