Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The other night sure was fun. Little Miss Sunshine ended up projectile vomiting three different times, after which she'd emptied her poor little tummy and had four bouts of dry heaves where all that came up was the water she'd drunk after vomiting. After that (around 2:30 am) she seemed to have gotten it all out of her system and slept till 7:30, when she was ready to go. No sleeping in for her. I felt nauseous at that point, and it continued through the day, but by dinner I was feeling better, and I never threw up. So I caught a little bit of it, but not the worst. I did go to bed at 9:30 last night, and didn't wake up till 8, which was awesome! I haven't slept that long in one stretch in a really long time, and I really needed it.

We ran a few last minute errands today, including taking one of my brothers to finish up his Christmas shopping. After LMS's nap we went to the in-laws and did some caroling with them.

LMS is now in bed and everyone is putting last minute touches on presents: wrapping, etc. Tomorrow will be busy. We'll spend the morning with my family and the afternoon with the in-laws. LMS will be the only grandchild at my parents', so despite most of my siblings being here, there will be minimal mayhem. At my in-laws' though, it will be massive mayhem. Most of the siblings and spouses, and all the grandkids (10 ranging in age from 9 months to 13 years) will be there. Always a zoo when all the grandkids are there.

I need to finish up a few things, then I think I will try to go to bed early again tonight.

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