Monday, November 8, 2021

Weekly Mileage #241 and a Freezing Campout

Monday the kids and I did some product photography at a friend's house. We spent a couple hours and got some good pics, but I still need some more.

Jeremy blew out the RV water pipes, so it's ready for winter now.

Tuesday we went to music lessons. Afterwards I took Ocean with me to vote. Things go faster by myself, but the boys still need to experience going out and doing things. And Ocean actually does pretty well when it's just him and me. 

I'm still working on trying to figure out Pinterest. I worked on some pins, but didn't actually pin them yet because I don't love them and I still need to so some more research. 

After karate class I had a YW presidency meeting, but I almost forgot about it. I remembered just in time.

We had our first freeze of the year that night, so Jeremy got the RV winterized just in time.

Wednesday was a slow morning: slow start, schoolwork, etc.

In between other tasks on Monday and Tuesday I spent too much time trying to run updates on my computer, but they keep stalling out. I have things to get done, so the updates will just have to wait. 

I worked some more on Pinterest, then did some more reading on ADHD and supplements to use for it.

Insomnia Wednesday night meant I skipped my planned trail run Thursday morning. Rain kept us from doing any running the last week or so. Instead I slept in a bit before heading to the chiropractor.

I spent some time organizing and tracking down Scout health forms for the upcoming campout this weekend. It's a never-ending job.

Thursday night I still didn't sleep will, but it was better than the night before, so I managed a trail run with Max Friday morning. Afterwards I finished packing and loading the car for the campout. This was the campout that was scheduled for October, but was delayed because of a staff member getting covid. This campout frequently is cold and rainy (like 9 times out of 10), but on this occasion it was only cold, which is more manageable than cold and wet. Temps were in the mid-high 20s both nights. Brrrr!

Between my new camp cot and stealing Jeremy's Army sleeping bag, I slept better than I have on a campout in a long time. This was despite forgetting my earplugs, feeling slightly claustrophobic in the mummy bag with my weighted blanket, and taking a while to warm up.

Saturday we started the morning with a 5k. There was a decent turnout from the other troops at the campout, but only I and one of the Scouts from our brother troop ran it- everyone else wussed out. I didn't bring my phone with me for once, and I wished I had. The frost was thick on the fields and the sun shining on the frost-covered barb wire fences was super cool. 

I haven't run an in-person race since before the pandemic- New Years Day, 2020. Almost 2 years. It's also been 6 months since I last ran a full 5k. I've only been averaging 1.5-2 miles since then due to my energy issues.

There were different activities throughout the day for the Scouts. I did some rifle shooting with Sunshine and another girl in the troop and we got to keep the earplugs we used, though I didn't end up using them at night because I fell asleep before putting them in.

pretty fall trees above the rifle range

I slept well, though my toes never quite warmed up. I changed my clothes after the race, but I still got chilled and stayed chilled during the day, despite periods of warming up.

Sunday we broke camp, packed up, loaded up, made sure all the Scouts had rides home, then headed home ourselves. Jeremy had drill- virtual, thank goodness. So he was on his computer all weekend. A friend from our ward picked up the boys and took them to church so they wouldn't miss the last practice for the primary program next week. 

We don't always stay Saturday night into Sunday on campouts, but Sunshine is trying to finish her Camping merit badge, which needs 20 camping nights and is an Eagle required merit badge. There just haven't been enough camping opportunities because of the pandemic. She still needs a few more nights before she'll be done.

Weekly Mileage 

Friday-       1.68 miles             4.5 hours
Saturday-   3.10 miles           15.5 hours
Sunday-                                   5.0 hours 
       total- 4.78 miles                   25.0 hours

2021 totals
270.5 outside hours
233.54 miles

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