Monday, November 23, 2020

Weekly Mileage #191 and 52 Hikes for the Year

Target toilet paper aisles in 2020

Monday I got groceries and ran errands. Target has two aisles of toilet paper, and only one of them had a couple packages.

I fixed the tote seams I'd messed up on and sewed the matching tote.

sewed and waiting to be turned right side out

Tuesday after music lessons and speech, I had a phone call with my friend. She's an experienced Instagram influencer and we discussed my course and some of my marketing plans. It's good to get advice from someone who's more experienced than me.

It's actually a lot harder than it looks to turn the bags right side out.

I rearranged my shelf to look a little more photogenic, and put my finished totes up on top to stay clean and safe. I'll be standing in front of this shelf in some of my videos for my course.

I broke down and bought a new hand press. I've struggled with installing snaps and rivets without them bending and getting ruined. There's a lot of waste- time and rivets that have to be replaced. I figure the press will earn its keep in saved rivets and snaps pretty quickly. Installs are also a lot quicker. Line everything up, press down, and done. Some rivets I won't even need to punch holes before installing the rivets.

More waxed canvas options for my buckets and other products.

Wednesday I was feeling pretty crummy. The daily exercise is hard on my body, I'm already stressed about all the stuff that needs to get done (and isn't), and I'm still not eating right. Also, getting up and moving every morning is incredibly stressful by itself.

That evening Sunshine and I went to a youth scuba club open house. The scuba shop in town used to sponsor a Scouts BSA crew, but it fell apart this year, so now they're looking at sponsoring a generic youth club. It's in the vary early stages, but it could be fun, and it's something Sunshine is interested. I just wish it didn't cost so much to get certified.

Thursday I didn't take Max for a run, and she was not happy. We have to figure out how to get her exercised on the days that I don't take her for a run. Right now, I have to be able to take a day off here and there. Unfortunately, it's not good for her, even if it is for me.

Instead of a run, I ran some errands before Ocean's speech therapy.

I finally finished all the totes I cut out forever ago. I took pics and wrote the shop listings, but then realized I needed to re-do the pics. I took them vertically instead of landscape, which doesn't work for Etsy listings. By the time I realized the issue, it was too late that night to re-do them.

I paused in the middle of that to take Sunshine to her youth activity. It was a chocolate chip cookie bakeoff with the teachers, but there were only 6 or 7 youth, so easy to maintain distance. Each youth brought cookies they'd baked earlier that day and everyone tasted them and voted on the best. Sunshine had to sit that part out, but she still had fun.

Friday we had park day at the river and we took Max with us, which she was happy about. That brought me to hike #52 for the year, which is by far the earliest I've hit that goal.

horsey ride on a stick

they found, and made larger, a little cave under the logs

Ocean was drumming on the logs with sticks

Ocean made a sandman- it's what you do when there's no snow

River had water and sand in his boots

he couldn't get all the sand out, so he ended up walking back to the car barefoot

After that, I shipped some Christmas presents and an order, then re-did the tote photos and got the listings up. Then I spent some time messing with my integration software (trying to sync my Shopify and Etsy inventory). I didn't quite get it all synced up, but I had to move on to other things.

Saturday morning I went for a hike with my YW class and we did a little geocaching along the way. I had planned on taking Max with me, but when I took her out of her crate she was favoring one foot and not putting any weight on it. I couldn't find any wounds or pain points, she just wouldn't put weight on it. I had to leave her home since I was running late.

Jeremy took the kids to do a dump run, then they drove to an electronics store two hours away to get a new computer screen- he's doing the multiple screen thing since he's been working from home most of the time, and one of the one's he's been using is actually an old tv screen and didn't have great resolution.

While they were gone most of the day, I got busy. I worked a bit more on my integration. I finally figured out how to fix the issues, but I'm not sure why it's an issue in the first place. I did some Glow Forging of new leather tags for buckets, till the GlowForge started giving me error messages. I put in a help desk ticket, but it'll probably be a day or two till I get an answer.

I cut straps, trimmed edges, and oiled them so they'll be ready to use in a day or two.

I used my nice big table and cut out the bodies for 24 (26?) more buckets from rolls of canvas. I then cut up an entire side of leather for the leather portions of the buckets. I was pleasantly surprised to get more pieces out of the side than I'd conservatively estimated, which lowers my cost per bucket. 

Max felt ignored and brought me her squeaky corn to throw for her. (the paw!)

I also cut out the first waxed canvas foraging pockets. When I looked on Etsy, there's only one seller who makes them, that I can see, so I may call them collector's pockets. Mine are a different shape, different fabric (hers are cotton), and different waist- hers tie, mine will have webbing and a buckle. I don't think there's going to be any leather on these, other than maybe a brand tag. 

Sunday we had regional conference via online broadcast for church. Quite neat to be a part of such a large gathering of Saints, especially this year.

Max's foot is doing better, she's still a little hesitant to put a lot of weight on it, but it didn't keep her from making a run for it when she managed to catch a door open for longer than it should have been.

Weekly Mileage
Monday- 2.35 miles run and hiked
Tuesday- 2.17 miles run and hiked
Wednesday- 1.90 miles run and hiked
Friday- 1.80 miles run and hiked
Saturday- 1.70 miles hiked
total- 9.92 miles

2020 totals
53 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
0 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
228.61 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
22.50 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
310.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
561.11 miles total

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