Monday, November 16, 2020

Weekly Mileage #190 and My New Work Table

See my buckets in the store?

Monday I went for a trail run with Max. I had to drag myself out of bed, but I felt better once I got moving. Even if I'm feeling exhausted, I usually still feel better for getting outside, getting fresh air and exercise, and some sunshine.

I stopped by the consignment store to drop off the business card holder I made and some more business cards, then went to the dentist to get two fillings replaced. Ugh. I hate how the local anesthesia makes me feel- tired and dragging the rest of the day.

I started sewing a tote, then realized I'd skipped a set of seams that had to be sewn before I sewed the seams that I'd just finished. So that means I would have to undo the stitches and re-do it all. So frustrating. I called it a day and went to bed. I clearly was not thinking clearly enough to be working.

Tuesday I ran a virtual 5k race with Max and wore her out doing hills on the back side of the park. Too bad I don't have the energy for more hills.

After music practice and lessons, I helped Jeremy mix concrete and set the swing set posts. We didn't quite finish though- we'll have to pick up more bags of mix to finish filling the holes. How do we always manage to underestimate how much is needed?

I got the batteries on Jeremy and my phones replaced. It was less than $50 per phone and they'll last a few more years, which is much better than shelling out a lot more money for pricey new phones.

Ocean "helping"

I put together my work table. I got it all done and turned over and decided it was too tall. But it was also too late at night to be doing anything more with, so I left it there for the night.

Wednesday the rains arrived in force, so I took Max to the pet store to get a rain jacket, then went running. We only did a mile and I was completely soaked in the first two minutes. At least it was a warm rain. It's still unseasonably warm for November, but in this case, I'm not complaining. Max tolerated the jacket and the rain, but wasn't thrilled with either.

acting like she's wearing the cone of shame

so, so wet

she's looking at me a little accusingly, don't you think?

I had Jeremy help me tip the table on its side so I could cut 4" off each leg. It was a bit of a pain, but it didn't actually take long to do. Then I glued and attached trim to the edges of the plywood top. A bit of sanding on the corners and then it was time to paint. I rolled one coat, then brushed the second one. I gave it a light sanding and then waxed it all.

Ocean helped me paint 

we took a break to play chess while the first coat of paint dry

second coat of paint going on

The dark wax toned down the bright blue paint. This is the same paint I used on the tall dresser I have next to my desk upstairs. I toned that one down as well, though not as much as this one. 

It looks super dark in some lights, but it looks a lot brighter under other lights.

Thursday we only got sprinkled on while running. After I got home, I put another coat of wax on the table. I'm loving how it turned out. The color, the size... I can roll out almost an entire (larger) side of leather and a roll of waxed canvas. So much better than what I've been trying to do in a much smaller space.

My sister arrived for a short visit and we talked for quite awhile, catching up on everything. That evening we also had a combined youth activity that my class was in charge of. We played a game of gospel trivia via zoom, which went pretty well. I'm not fond of virtual activities, but this is our life right now.

Friday too many late nights and too many carbs caught up to me and I slept in instead of taking Max for a run. She was definitely bouncing off the walls. My sister left in the afternoon (I said it was a short visit), and I cut straps for totes on my nice big table.

Saturday Sunshine and I went to a ropes course with her Scout troop. Instead of the zip line course we were expecting, it was more of a team building course. It wasn't her favorite, but she still had fun.

waiting for their turn to do the high wire, getting ready to arrange themselves by age order, without talking

Sunshine climbing up to the wire

transitioning from the tree to the wire

moving across the wire from one hanging rope to the next

getting ready to rappel down

Sunday I took Max for a run. It felt weird to go for a run on a Sunday, but Max really needed some exercise and she hadn't gotten any for several days. 

Weekly Mileage
Monday- 2.10 miles run and hiked
Tuesday- 3.61 miles run and hiked
Wednesday- 1.06 miles run and walked
Thursday- 1.52 miles run and walked
Sunday- 2.15 miles run and hiked
total- 10.44 miles

2020 totals
48 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
0 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
218.69 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
22.50 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
310.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
551.19 miles total

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