Monday, November 25, 2019

Weekly Mileage #139 and the Scout Hike

Monday I went to a different park than I usually go to for my trail run and hike. It's closer to Ocean's preschool, but the steepness of the trails slowed me down, negating the time savings I was going for.

The trail system is a lot smaller, so I did both loops twice just to get the mileage I did. For where I am right now physically, it was a bit too steep and intense. I'm not ready for intense workouts just yet.

Thursday the kiddos and I went on a short hike just to get outside.

That evening was YW in Excellence. With the changes to the youth programs, we focused on the girls sharing things they'd been working on the past year. Sunshine played a piano piece she's been working on. This actually is part of a requirement for her Music merit badge as well- she needs to perform 10 times, and since she doesn't have school concerts to perform in, we're squeezing them in where we can get them.

Saturday I led a hike for some of the Scouts in Sunshine's troop. There wasn't a huge turnout, but there were other activities scheduled as well, both in the troop and out, so I wasn't too concerned. I prefer smaller groups anyway. We had a professional forester was along and he helped us with tree identification.

This is the hike we did when dad was visiting, but this time we crossed the river instead of turning around.

We visited this swimming hole with Jeremy's brother, but no one attempted to get in the water.

We found fresh signs of a deer sharpening his antlers- pretty cool!

That afternoon, I went to the Stake leadership training session. We discussed the changes to the children and youth program and how to implement them within our wards. Lots of ideas, just gotta work on the actual implementation.

Weekly Mileage
Monday- 2.10 mile trail run
Monday- 1.49 mile hike
Wednesday- 10.00 mile bike ride
Thursday- 1.18 mile hike
Saturday- 3.46 mile hike
total- 18.23 miles

38 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
2.56 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
144.24 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
41.16 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
130.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
317.96 miles total

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