Thursday, October 3, 2019

September Mileage

Despite starting to do some trail running and getting in more hikes, my September mileage wasn't great. The real issue is lack of time. I'm sacrificing my exercise time for ferrying children around to various appointments or getting some work done. Add in low energy levels, and increasing my mileage just hasn't been much of a priority.

I do need to increase my miles if I'm going to hit 365 by the end of the year. If I average 50 miles a month I'll achieve that goal. The easiest (and quickest) way to get there is by spending some time on my bike, which I haven't done for a number of months. Bike miles come so much faster than foot miles. Right now, that makes them a better return on my time investment.

But I still need to log foot miles if I'm going to complete 52 hikes by the end of the year. Despite my efforts, I'm in a similar position as I was last year this time, with more than half my hikes to do and only three months to do them. I need to do 11 hikes a month, or 2-3 hikes a week. It's doable, but it will take effort on my part. If the weather would cool down a bit, it would be even more doable. As I've mentioned before, I've really struggled to be active when it's really hot, which has done a number on my motivation to get outside and go hiking.

September Mileage:
0 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 2 trail runs + 2 outdoor walks + 0 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 12.06 miles
52 hike challenge: 20 hikes
365 mile challenge: 80.0 bike miles + 92.35 outdoor foot miles + 41.16 indoor foot miles + 2.56 kayak miles
total miles: 216.07 miles

August mileage:
5 treadmill workouts + 2 hikes + 1 race + 1 outdoor walks + 0 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 20.73 miles
52 hike challenge: 16 hikes
365 mile challenge: 80.0 bike miles + 80.29 outdoor foot miles + 41.16 indoor foot miles + 2.56 kayak miles
total miles: 204.01 miles

July mileage:
4 treadmill workouts + 1 hike + 0 outdoor walks + 0 bike workouts + 1 kayak outing = 16.32 miles
52 hike challenge: 14 hikes
365 mile challenge: 80.0 bike miles + 73.53 outdoor foot miles + 27.19 indoor foot miles + 2.56 kayak miles
total miles: 183.28 miles

June mileage:
0 treadmill workouts + 2 hikes + 2 races +3 outdoor walks + 0 bike workouts + 1 kayak outing = 15.52 miles
52 hike challenge: 13 hikes
365 mile challenge: 80.0 bike miles + 68.53 outdoor foot miles + 15.87 indoor foot miles + 1.25 kayak miles
total miles: 165.65 miles
May mileage:
2 treadmill workouts + 1 hike + 0 trail runs +2 outdoor walks + 1 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 19.67 miles
52 hike challenge: 11 hikes
365 mile challenge: 80.0 bike miles + 54.26 outdoor foot miles + 15.87 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 150.13 miles
April mileage:
0 treadmill workouts + 1 hike + 3 trail runs + 5 outdoor walks + 1 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 24.44 miles
52 hike challenge: 10 hikes
365 mile challenge: 70.0 bike miles + 49.31 outdoor foot miles + 11.15 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 130.46 miles

March mileage:
1 treadmill workout + 2 hikes + 1 race + 4 outdoor runs + 2 outdoor walks + 1 bike workout + 0 kayak outings = 46.02 miles
52 hike challenge: 9 hikes
365 mile challenge: 60.0 bike miles + 34.87 outdoor foot miles + 11.15 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 106.02 miles

February mileage:
1 treadmill workout + 3 hikes +1 outdoor runs + 1 snowshoe walk + 3 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 42.40 miles
52 hike challenge: 7 hikes
365 mile challenge:  50.0 bike miles + 18.00 outdoor foot miles + 7.15 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 75.15 miles

January mileage:
2 treadmill workouts + 4 hikes + 1 outside walk + 2 bike workouts + 0 kayak outings = 32.75 miles
52 hike challenge: 4 hikes
365 mile challenge:  20.0 bike miles + 8.3 outdoor foot miles + 4.45 indoor foot miles + 0 kayak miles
total miles: 32.75 miles

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