Monday, July 29, 2019

Weekly Mileage #122 and Braces for Sunshine

Monday the part arrived for my computer arrived, but it still didn't work. <sob>

So Tuesday I took my laptop to the repair shop so they could take a crack at it. Sunshine also got her top braces on. It's only the front four brackets for now, but more will be added as her teeth move. She also got spacers for the rear bands of the expander, which will be put in once her teeth move some more.

it doesn't look as bad as it really was- the glass is the same color as the gravel :(

Wednesday morning (or late Tuesday night) a bear tore apart the trash. He made a spectacular mess (one of the bags had all the broken glass I'd vacuumed out of the RV) and we ended up cleaning up the mess instead of going to nature group. Not a great trade-off, but what can you do?

at least I had good helpers

Thursday we all went to the dentist. We all got a clean bill of health- no cavities.

Friday and Saturday I finally spent some time on the treadmill. I've got a four mile race coming up at the end of August, and I need to get ready for it.

Weekly Mileage
Friday- 2.02 miles walked on the treadmill
Saturday- 3.03 miles walked on the treadmill
total- 5.05 miles

14 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
2.56 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
73.53 outdoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
20.92 indoor foot miles towards #365milechallenge
80.0 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
177.01 miles total

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