Monday, December 10, 2018

Weekly Mileage #89 and the Sleep Study

The culvert that stopped us when we had the jogger.

Monday I went on two hikes. The first was a repeat of the hike we attempted last Monday, but since it was just me, I was able to cross the culvert without any problems.

The trail ran fairly close to the river, but it meandered further away at times. It was an interesting juxtaposition of houses and businesses in the background as I hiked through wooded areas. I continued to follow the trail until I came to a river crossing. I was running short of time, so I turned around and headed back.

rock path through shallow water

the actual river crossing, with a rope to help steady yourself (if it's on your side 😉)
After preschool, River and I went to the park and I let him pick which trails we hiked. We also went down to the stream to check out the water. Ocean was home sick with Sunshine (her co-op ended last week), so they weren't along on this little adventure.

Monday night was my sleep study. I went to a hotel next to the hospital, where they have a sleep lab set up. They attached all sorts of wires and electrodes, and then I had to try to go to sleep. It wasn't the most comfortable sleep, but it wasn't the worst, either. The stuff in my nose was to monitor my breathing and how deep I was or wasn't breathing.

this doesn't show all the wires, but it does show a good portion of them. such an attractive look.

I don't have sleep apnea (yay!) so I had to stay for the daytime sleep study. They woke me up at 6 am and I had to stay awake for an hour and a half, then try to take a nap for half an hour. This was repeated throughout the day for a total of four naps. Thankfully they had all the data they needed after four naps and I didn't have to stay for a fifth nap. The whole process was exhausting. I was already tired from a poor night's sleep and I've trained myself not to take naps because if I do, I can't sleep at night. So I had to lay there and try to calm my brain so I could sleep. I didn't sleep the first time, I dozed off right at the end of the second one, and fell asleep during the third and fourth ones. Getting woken up was the worst- I was so tired and groggy each time.

I'd hoped to get some work done in between naps, but that didn't happen. I was too tired and fuzzy. I just couldn't focus. I channel surfed a bit, but I realized that there's still nothing on during the day, even if you have cable, and I'm glad we cut the cord years ago.

got rid of some wires, but had a few more added

After showering all the goop they used to attach the wires out of my hair and off my face (so gross, and my face has broken out worse than it has in years because of that stuff), I was free to go. I took advantage of finishing a bit earlier than planned to take a hike along the river nearby before I headed home. These urban hikes have been interesting- traffic and houses and businesses on one hand, the river and woods and trail on the other.

Wednesday I went for a hike in the snow after dropping Sunshine off at her last nature class of the semester. Mr M was home for the day, using up some PTO, so I left the boys with him and hiked by myself. It was a smidge too warm, so the wet snow didn't stick around, but it was fun to hike as the snow was falling. I love the quiet that accompanies snowfall.

Friday we finally got our Christmas tree. I feel so behind this year.

little tree huggers

Saturday I hiked the yard in an effort to get another hike logged. We have about 1.75 acres and it's about  .3 miles around the perimeter, which means it takes multiple laps just to hike a mile. Not the most exciting hike ever, but I do have a better feel for our property. And it reinforced the idea that we need a much bigger property next time, so I can get some decent hiking in on our own property.

Since we finally had our tree, I decided I should really put up the Christmas lights, as well. And then I
used the mower to mulch and blow the leaves off the lawn one last time. As I put the mower away, I thought to myself that it was about time to get the mower deck off and the plow on.

Speaking of snow, Sunday it snowed all day. In fact, Stake Conference was canceled because they didn't want people driving in hazardous conditions.

Sunday evening, Christmas lights in the snow

Weekly Mileage
Monday- 2.72 mile solo urban hike
                1.55 miles hiked with River
Tuesday- 2.59 miles hiked along the river in town
Wednesday- 2.05 miles hiked in the snow
Saturday- 1.46 miles hiked around the yard
total- 12.4 miles

39 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
2.14 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
359.83 foot miles towards #365milechallenge
335.00 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
696.97 miles total

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