Monday, July 30, 2018

Weekly Mileage #70 and Swimming Lessons

This past week was much calmer than the last couple weeks- no more road trips for awhile. We still had some busy-ness, though in the form of swimming lessons for the boys.

It was past time for River to start lessons (he's almost 5, after all) but we didn't do lessons last year because our our trip. Waiting until this summer also made it easier to keep Ocean under control, since he was in lessons with River. I knew if I tried to have River take them by himself, Ocean wouldn't be happy. We were very lucky and were able to arrange things so they were in the same class with another little girl who's just starting out.

The little girl ended up not attending due to family issues, so the boys had the teacher to themselves, which actually worked out really well. They were already comfortable getting their faces wet and jumping in the water, so they had a good start. They learned basic safety and River can swim short distances (with lots of splashing). Ocean can swim shorter distances, but hasn't quite figured out how to come back up out of the water- he needs to be retrieved by a grownup. It doesn't bother him to be under water that long, which is actually a bit worrisome, since it means his sense of self-preservation is not quite as strong as we'd like.

Like many things, learning to swim comes with a learning curve, and at barely 3, Ocean is making a good start. In the meantime, he'll continue wearing his lifejacket when he's in the water. River is able to take his off on occasion, if I'm in the water with him, but it'll be awhile before Ocean reaches that point.

This week my mileage was very close to what my half marathon training plan called for, and I got some good running in that felt pretty good, even if it was on the treadmill, rather than outside. That 8.55 miles on Saturday? I ran 5 of those miles- the most I've run in quite awhile.

And this week I passed my initial goal of 365 miles this year! My secondary goal is at least 365 foot miles and 365 bike miles, so I'm working towards those numbers now.

view from the lookout point on our hike

During our hike on Friday we stopped for a photo shoot for a project I'm working on, which was a bit more difficult than I'd anticipated. It was hot and humid and my camera lens kept fogging up and I had sweat dripping off my elbows. SO gross. But we got some pretty good pictures, so at least the effort wasn't in vain.

part of the project I'm working on

Oh, and here's one for you, Dad:

We found a travel size banjo on eBay (a Cripple Creek Mini) and River will be starting banjo lessons with Sunshine's teacher next week :)

Weekly Mileage
Monday- 3.00 miles on the treadmill
Tuesday-10.00 miles on the bike
Wednesday- 2.50 miles on the treadmill
Thursday- 5.00 miles on the treadmill
Friday- 1.95 miles hiked
Saturday- 8.55 miles on the treadmill
    total- 31.00 miles

15 hikes towards #52hikechallenge
2.14 kayak miles towards #365milechallenge
164.22 foot miles towards #365milechallenge
215.00 bike miles towards #365milechallenge
381.36 miles total

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