Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Welcome to our Newest Little Guy

At 4:55 am Monday morning our newest family member officially made his appearance. The experience was not what I'd planned for and I'm rather conflicted about it, and will be posting my thoughts on the experience in a few days. In the meantime, rest assured that he arrived safely and we are now at home, getting settled in.

minutes after he was born

The little guy is quite mellow and chill, which we're waiting to see if it's a long term thing. I think his blog nickname will be Ocean- calm at times but capable of powerful storms. I have the feeling this will prove the case in real life as well.

Sunshine would hold Ocean all day if she could. She held him for a good hour when they came to the hospital, and she just sat and smiled at him the whole time. River is content with giving him quick hugs and then ignoring him, which is about what we expected from him. He's not even two yet, so he doesn't understand a lot of what's going on.

our cute kiddos

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