Monday, November 18, 2013

What Did You Notice First About Your Children?

It's been fun to see the similarities and differences between Little Miss Sunshine and The Little Mister.

The first thing I noticed about LMS when she was handed to me was her dimple.
The first thing I noticed about TLM when he was handed to me was his hair.

ok, so you can't see her dimple in this photo- it's hiding behind her dress- but I love her expression in this photo :) but you can tell she doesn't have any hair, which is why TLM's hair is so much fun

his hair seems to be growing a bit thicker in the center front section, just like Mr M's does

he's even got sideburns!

Mr M and I both had lighter hair that darkened as we got older. LMS' hair seems to be acting the same way, so it's interesting to see how dark TLM's hair is. Now we just have to wait and see how much of it falls out and if it stays dark. He's got some male-pattern baldness starting on the top of his head :( I don't want him to lose his cute baby hair {sob}

What were the first things you noticed about your kids?

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I noticed about OP was that he looked just like Todd. The first thing I noticed about E was that she looked just like OP! I'm sure I'll find that C looks just like all 3 of them and nothing like me! :)
