Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Easy Twig Stars

For the last day of nature class, the kids were supposed to bring something nature-related to add to the trading blanket. The kids could then trade what they brought for things that others brought.

I helped LMS make some twig stars. These are pretty easy- the hardest part is finding sticks that are close to the same diameter.

5 sticks roughly the same length and diameter, as straight as possible
some twine/jute/string

We tied each joint on the first star, but that turned out to be a bit much and I didn't like how it looked.
The next three stars were made by carefully latticing the sticks together and then tying the ends. 
I liked the final three a lot better than the first.

This was the only star made using green sticks, and it worked a lot better than the other stars that were made with dead fall sticks. The brittle sticks were difficult to lattice together.

LMS didn't have any leftover stars, but I'm thinking of making a few more and putting them on our Christmas tree when we get it. They'll give it a nice rustic touch.

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