Friday, February 22, 2013

Pregnancy Trivia

I've been thinking about all the similarities and differences between this pregnancy and the others.

1st- no nausea or fatigue, ended in miscarriage
2nd- nausea and fatigue, LMS born healthy
3rd- no nausea or fatigue, ended in miscarriage
4th- nausea and fatigue, cautiously optimistic about the end result

Since I didn't experience nausea or fatigue with either miscarriage, I'm feeling hopeful that this pregnancy will go well.

Here's my chart comparing pregnancies, because I'm OCD like that :)
Little Miss Sunshine
This Pregnancy
Nausea, aversion to smells
Worse nausea, severe aversion to smells
Told Mr M by sending a pic of the pregnancy test via email (he was on a training mission in Korea)
Told Mr M by sending a pic of the pregnancy test via email (he was already back overseas)
Very sedentary- had been sitting at a desk for about 3 years (with minimal exercise), which caused shortening of some ligaments and messed up my pelvis.
Much more active- I ran a half marathon a week after conception! I’ve continued running and will do so as long as possible. There’s a couple races I plan on participating in, but I won’t be “racing”. I’ve also been skiing while LMS is having her lesson- nothing too wild and crazy though.
Was doing Atkins and had lost 10 pounds when I got pregnant. (I went back on Atkins a couple years later but didn’t lose weight or get pregnant)
Was doing GAPS and had lost 20 pounds when I got pregnant.
Fatigue was there, but manageable. Not gluten free yet, so still in survival mode when dealing with health issues. I was used to being exhausted all the time, so it wasn’t too hard to deal with a bit more.
Fatigue much more noticeable- I’m 7 years older, and I’m no longer in survival mode since I’ve been gluten free for almost four years now. I’d forgotten how exhausting it is dealing with fatigue.

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