Friday, April 2, 2010

I haven't completely dropped off the face of the earth...

Ok, so we've moved into our house and our internet finally got connected today, so I can start blogging again.

We ended up filling 5 Relocubes when we loaded everything up for the move. Two were delivered last Friday afternoon and we unloaded them Saturday morning (our first day in the house). The next two were delivered Monday afternoon and we unloaded them that evening. The last one was delivered Wednesday afternoon but we didn't unload it till last night since LMS has soccer practice (!) on Wednesdays.

She has practices on Wednesdays and "games" on Saturdays. Her group is made up of 3 and 4 year olds, so they don't actually play games, they're still learning the basics. It's been an adjustment for her- following instructions in a group setting- but she's getting the hang of it.
that's her in the purple shirt- too cute!

All our stuff is in the house now, and I've started the daunting task of unpacking everything. Ok, that's not as daunting as the sorting- as I unpack I have to decide if we're keeping, chucking, or selling/donating it. We have way too much stuff, and now is the perfect time to scale back and simplify. I've made good progress, but it'll take at least a week to get through everything.

Once the unpacking and sorting is finished (and the listing on craigslist), we'll start building bookshelves and such to organize the things we are keeping.

I've got the drafts written for a couple posts, including a description of our train trip (which was a lot of fun!), I just need to finish them up and then I'll post them.

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