Friday, February 26, 2010

Walking, packing, and some great news

I didn't walk yesterday because I only got a couple hours of sleep that night (I just could not shut off my brain!), but I did get some projects worked on and some more packing done.

Today I walked 3 miles. My shins are still feeling good- I wear my compression sleeves while I walk and ice them after every walk, and no problems so far.

I've finished all but one of my sewing projects. I'm hoping to finish that one tonight, then tomorrow I'll pack up my sewing machine. I packed up my craft and sewing stuff this afternoon, but ran out of boxes before I finished packing stuff from the closet. I cannot believe how much stuff we had stored in that closet.

I told LMS to put all her toys away (they were scattered all over) so we could start packing some of them. She wasn't real happy about that idea. Luckily for her, I ran out of boxes, so we can't pack them yet.

And for some really good news: last night we got word that we're approved for the house we want to rent! Isn't it pretty? It's in a nice neighborhood, close to work, and has lots of trails in the community- no more getting chased by dogs! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Cute house! I'm excited things are working out for you.
    Good luck packing!
