Thursday, February 4, 2010

Boxes and deer poop

Today I spent about 3 1/2 hours rearranging the storage container. I definitely got a workout! It'll be tight, but I'm pretty sure everything will fit in the cubes when it's time to move. Now I have to go back and rearrange a bit again so I can make sure all the bins and boxes are filled. Then I just have to hold off on packing up everything in the house. So tempting!

LMS was playing outside while I was rearranging stuff. She came over to ask me to look at something, and I walked over to her sandbox with her. She stopped and pointed to the ground and said
"Look Mommy, beans!"
"Sorry kiddo, those aren't beans. That's dear poop."
"Oh." (thinks about it for minute) "Ewww."
She then obsessed about deer and deer poop till naptime. Where are the deer? Why do they poop on the ground? etc, etc.

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