Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday Funny

Remember Y2K? All the kerfuffle and concern that the world as we knew it would end when all the computers irreparably crashed?

And then nothing happened and life went on as usual.


Not too long ago we had the sister missionaries over for dinner and they were looking at Mr M and my mission plaques.
so young....

We never got around to engraving our return dates, so they asked when I got home- 1999 or 2000 ( I started in July 1998, so it could have gone either way).

I said "2000. I was on my mission for Y2k and we had to be in our apartment by 6 pm New Years Eve in case people got stupid."

They looked at me blankly and asked "What's Y2K?"

Aaaand now I feel old.

I explained what Y2K was, but I could tell they didn't really understand why there was such a big fuss.

Later I realized they were probably 6 or 7 at the time, so it most likely wasn't on their radar.

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