Friday, February 21, 2014

The Case for Baby Shoes

I know many people are against baby shoes, but I have to admit, I actually kind of like them. Only certain kinds, of course, but they definitely serve a purpose.

TLM is young enough to still wear a lot of footie outfits, but we don't have a ton of them, so on the days he's wearing an outfit with pants, he needs socks to keep his little feet warm. It is winter, after all.

The problem with baby socks? They won't stay on. Let me show you, using some kind-of-crappy cell phone pics:
socks on all the way

socks sliding off his feet already

socks completely off

That whole sequence can occur in less than five minutes.

Or there's this one: I set him down for a second and realize he's missing a sock.
Oh, there it is: on the floor. Where else would it be?

So that's why I like baby shoes: they keep those silly socks on and his feet warm :)

I only put soft soled shoes on him though. Once he starts walking he'll be wearing soft soles (just like LMS did), so why would I force his chubby feet into hard soled shoes just because he isn't walking yet?

Are you for or against baby shoes?

Here's another picture of our cute baby. I couldn't help myself :) 

1 comment:

  1. I actually found some socks for C at Target that have a little bit of elastic at the top so they actually stay on his skinny little's a miracle!
