Sunday, September 2, 2012

Conversations with LMS

at the splash park

Last week:

Mommy, you need to make some pea soup for lunch tomorrow.

Oh? Are you sure?  {I'm thinking she means split pea soup, and I really don't think she'll like it}

Yes. This is how you make it: you take a bag of peas {she means the bags of sugar snap peas that we buy} and you grind it all up. Then you take another bag of peas and chop it up with some carrots and onions and stuff and then you mix it all up. And then you eat it.

Don't you have to heat it up?

No, you just eat it cold.

Hmmm, ok. {doesn't sound super appetizing to me, but she had the whole thing pretty well thought out- A for effort!}

Have your kids shared recipes that they were excited about but you weren't?

1 comment:

  1. we made a marshmallow creation once - my son remembers it as if it was amazing!
