Saturday, March 5, 2011

Black Heels to Tractor Wheels

I read Black Heels to Tractor Wheels this week. Have you read it? The Pioneer Woman had posted parts of it online a while ago, and I read them a couple months ago. Awhile ago she stopped posting it online, finished it writing it, and published it in book form.

If you haven't heard of it, it's the story of how she met her husband, their romance, marriage, and first year of marriage. I enjoyed the story, but I'm soooo glad I never had morning sickness like hers.

After I finished the book, I got to thinking, and realized that we each have a story to tell. How we met, the funny/sad/quirky things that happened along the way to the altar, first apartments, etc.

So I've started writing the story of Mr M and me. It was actually already on my list of goals as part of my life story, but I'll stick with this part for now. I think it's especially appropriate since we're approaching our tenth anniversary this summer and it's nice to revisit the beginning of us. It's also a good activity for me to stimulate my brain and dig up memories that have been hidden in the fuzzy cobwebby corners of my brain, stuck there by years of mental fog brought on by undiagnosed celiac disease.

Anybody else want to write their story?

1 comment:

  1. That reminded me of when I was visiting you just before you were married. How life changes for the good and also how quickly we forget the little details. What a great idea to write down "Our Story"
