Thursday, May 13, 2010

Strawberry Picking

On Saturday we went strawberry picking after soccer. I haven't picked strawberries since high school. I worked every summer in junior high and high school at a strawberry farm, picking berries, field directing, harvesting produce, and selling produce. The farm was less than half a mile away and it was the ideal summer job for a teenager.

LMS picked a few berries, but she didn't appreciate getting strawberry juice on her hands. She was happy holding the buckets for us.

Mr M hadn't picked strawberries in years either. His back didn't appreciate the bending over and crouching, but he was still able to pick a lot of berries.

We picked about 22 pounds altogether.

 I cleaned them, sliced them in half, and put them in freezer bags.
Lots of strawberries for our green smoothies- yummy!

1 comment:

  1. That looks fun and delicious! My Katherine wants to know why its warm for you and cold for us. Its been a cold and wet spring for us here in utah and all your pictures look so warm and fun.
