Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Shed Projects, Part 2

Last week Mr M continued working on the shed ramp while I got working on another project (more on that tomorrow). I'd finished organizing the shed and installing the stairs, so it was time to move on before the heat got any worse.

Sunshine helped screw the ramp planks into the support boards underneath

Sunshine working on the boards while Mr M worked on the pavers

pavers in place

Mr M got the ramp to this point, then decided it needed some better drainage. After some thought, he decided to dig trenches and put hardware cloth-wrapped lava rock tubes in them. So he pulled the pavers back out and dug a trench at the end of the wood planks and along the sides. 

poly-resin hardware cloth filled with lava rock and formed into a tube with zip ties

tube along the side of the ramp waiting to be closed up

hopefully water will follow the path of the tube, redirecting from the end of the ramp, along the side of the ramp, and down the hill in front of the shed

After leveling the tube area at the end of wood ramp as best he could, he put the pavers back in place. The pavers closest to the wood ramp rest on the lava rock tube.

River coming over to inspect Mr M's work
The two large rocks beyond the ramp were dug out in the process of getting the ramp built

Lava rock tube along the side still uncovered

We need to rake out and level the dirt around the ramp and drainage tube, but I think we're calling it finished for now. We need to save up for a couple truckloads of gravel for the carport area, and when we do we'll put some of the gravel under the pavers as a better base and around the ramp, covering the lava rock tube and all the surrounding dirt/mud. The gravel should help with drainage as well as to help mitigate the mud mess.

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