Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our Week

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I've spent the last two and a half days curled up under the covers with a nasty head cold. The timing stinks since I had plans to finish some projects, but that just didn't happen. I'm feeling better, though definitely not anywhere near 100% yet. I'm {mostly} vertical, at least. Hopefully no one else in the family gets it, though I'm most concerned about TLM, since he's the one who has the most direct contact with me. I've been trying not to breathe on him, but I'm not sure I've been very successful. I've been diffusing essential oils into the air and I think that's helping me feel better and everyone else fight it off.

In other news, we actually got some snow last night!

A few weeks ago there was supposed to be a big snowstorm and everyone panicked and schools were canceled for the next day before that day's school had even let out and then….

It was a nice day. It was even sunny, if I remember correctly.

Oh well, better safe than sorry, I suppose. Just one more reminder that we live in an area that really doesn't get much snow and is populated by people who don't know what to do when there's anything more than a flurry. (I'm not trying to be rude, it's just a case of not being accustomed to lots of snow and not developing the skills to deal with it.)

This time around, as the approaching storm got closer, the forecast kept increasing the estimates of total snowfall expected. First it was 8-10", then 10-12", and this morning I think it was at 12-14". It stopped snowing in the morning, but it started up again this afternoon. This morning Mr M measured in a couple places and we had at least 9" on the ground here. At this point we've gotten a few more inches and we're wondering why we bothered to shovel the steps and get the driveway and road plowed.

Our little dirt road isn't maintained by the county, so it's up to those of us who live on it to take care of it. This is the first time in the almost three years we've owned this house that we've had to have everything plowed. Luckily there's a guy who lives just down the road who'll do it for a reasonable price.

LMS is in heaven, especially since Mr M is home from work today (they were told yesterday not to come in) and can play in the snow with her. I thought about bundling up for a bit and taking my cross country skis out for a spin, but ultimately decided I wasn't quite up to it. It figures that I'm sick the first chance I get in years to use my skis. 

crappy resolution because I was up on the deck 

In other news, LMS lost another tooth. It's been loose for quite awhile and has been moving a bit and changing colors so we knew it was more than ready to come out, LMS was just a bit too scared to pull it out herself. So Mr M gave it a good tug last night and out it popped. There's another tooth on top that he'll probably pull out in a day or two.

The tooth fairy apparently does not follow the tenets of the post office, as snow and dark of night delayed her visit {oops}. I think we managed to convince LMS she just didn't look in the right place :)

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